Pool Testing Photo Album

Chis holds the submersible wires

Rod swims with the submersible to deeper water

Rod uses the underwater camera to photograph the submersible

Andy, Chris, and Ben control the submersible while Rod swims

Ben holds the wires as the submersible swims

Sam cuts up pieces of foam to balance the SeaPerch

Ben adjusts the SeaPerch wire

The water sampler

Ben and Chris secure the frame

The submersible ready for another trial

The depth sensor

Rod and the Perch

Rod watches the submersible from the water while Ben watches from above

Ben adds extra floatation rings

Ben adjusts the floatation rings

The depth sensor shows a reading of 3.4' in the 4.5' zone (the difference is the height of the submersible)

Video of the SeaPerch in the water
The upperward facing propellor pushes the SeaPerch below the water's surface.
 Notice the depth sensor hangin below

The submersible under the surface

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