Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Week One

Hello! Welcome to our project blog, where we will provide updates regarding our engineering design project on a weekly basis. Information about our team members and our advisor can be found to the right under the "About Us" link. Over the next 10 weeks, we plan to modify a SeaPerch kit, creating a submersible water testing device. The SeaPerch Program, funded by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) as part of the National Naval Responsibility for Naval Engineering, teaches students about underwater robotics and science . More information about SeaPerch can be found at their website: http://www.seaperch.org/index. Our plans to modify the SeaPerch include several types of changes, representing our varying disciplines in engineering. We will modify the mechanics of the SeaPerch, for example redesigning the propeller. In an effort to study the impact on bodies of water, an interest of environmental engineers, various sensors will be added to the redesigned SeaPerch, testing the water quality for pH, salinity, etc. We also hope to take readings at different water levels by adding a depth sensor. Lastly, using several syringe-like appendages, the SeaPerch will take multiple samples of the water at various levels. It will be challenging to add additional sensors and water sample collectors while maintaining a submersible design that can easily navigate the water.

1 comment:

  1. I wish you Good Luck for your project and will be waiting for the updates. I am curious about the results.

